Friday, March 7, 2008

Harbour Owner Society at San O...

Bobby J with Nadine...the San O experience...gotta' love it.

Another Harbour Owner Society event unfolded the weekend of March 1st, and as could be expected, the formula for success produced winning results once again; Quality people + Great attitudes = Stoked!

Most the team pulled in Saturday morning ready for dawn patrol. TDRevolver brought a new addition to the Harbour Family, the "Millenium Falcon", as Han Solo would say, "She may not look fast, and she's not, but, this pile a bolts will sure house a mean H.O.S. meeting."

Todd's Big White Rig, the Millenium Falcon, John's Surfing Chevy, Steve's V.W. van, and WoodinSea's mint condition paneled wagon, made for the perfect San O backdrop as we headed into the surf.

Bobby J finished his coffee, Lia fired up the camera, and the morning session began.

Bobby J and Ben
The swell was coming in nicely, with often plentiful wave sets of chest high plus. With waves for everyone, nobody was complaining and the day got off to a great start.

Later, John's smile told the tale, after a morning of many more waves, like the one above and better.

Ry was stoked to be riding the great deal he found up North; it just took a little drive time, a little patch, gloss, and polish time, and he's got himself a sweeeeet little Classic. He really made the board shine, from the board stand, to the water.

Ry and Mark in "Classic" style


After the multiple wave sets, wearied riders like Mark (above) began to make their way to home base, for nourishment.

Of course, it was a good twenty minutes, after the last guy pulled off his suit and sat down for a snack...

when Todd finally came in.

in his own "San O" style.

Despite the sagging arms and shoulders, Todd fired up what would be the last Bbq for that grill, and soon we were dining on steak, burgers, and dogs.

The cold wind drove some of us into the H.O.S. office, but soon, the surf we watched through the Falcon's rear window beckoned.

Steve (Lilparadosso), was the first to hear the call, and soon, we were out in the surf once again.

With the wind calming, and the temperatures rising a bit, it was a suprisingly fun session.

The sun's rays breaking through, some nice little peaks, sparse crowds and friendly banter kept us charging till near dark.

Between Steve(Surf4me) calling out, "Walk to the nose!" and Steve (Lilparadosso) yelling, "Don't chase it!", I had plenty of motivation.

With a great first day behind us, myself and others headed for home, but the die-hards, Todd, Bobby J., Lia, and Steve stayed the night for a fun (in the sun this time) Sunday.

Steve (Surf4me)



Highlights of the trip for me, were of course the great fellowship, and shared stoke of my brother Harbour owners, but also, the stoke of those who passed by, or who we met on the line-up, that, although, maybe not Harbour Owners, shared the stoke, and were very hospitable to our gathering.

I appreciate you all, for great companionship, in and out of the surf.
