Monday, May 12, 2008

Harbour Owner Society at San O! Pics by JDuck

Saturday morning 4 a.m. I pulled into the already 4 deep car line of San O, feeling good.

Jeff (Slider) was asleep in the overhead bunk of the Millennium Falcon, and I planned on getting another bit of sleep before the gates opened. But it wasn't long before the rumble of Todd's truck, John's van and the regular San O crowd started to pull in, so I was too excited to sleep.

Todd's Big Rig and my RV set up nicely in front of Four Doors, and the Harbour members rolled in, then it was into the surf to beat the crowds.

The morning swell was fun, with some good sized sets giving us plenty to ride. (Some shots form Sunday may be uploaded soon, when I get them). After a strong and tiring morning of surf, it was time to initiate the new HOS grill.

As usual, Todd and Jeff stepped up beyond the call of duty, with Jeff supplying the rib-eye and Todd supplying everything else (keep buying the gear all), the two master chefs created a phenomenal feast. (That's Slider, putting the pressure on with his Mad Dog look, killer tattoos, and tough guy swim trunks.)

Let's face it, there's tons of paddling at San O, and after a double session, we were wearied, tired and very happy.

The never tiring Todd, fires up the grill again, for the second round of grub; burgers, more steaks and Brats...very tasty, very tasty indeed. He seems to work best when approached, just as the embers go dark, and someone (like me) asks..."Can you cook me a steak?"

The crew gathered around, telling stories, before the picture. Many more showed and surfed, including a whole new crew for Sunday, but these are the members hanging around Sat. afternoon.

That's me, wondering how my back got old so fast.

A few of us enjoyed yet more cuisine Saturday evening, at San Mateo campground, with tri-tip tacos, and award winning Cabernet. Thanks for the hospitality James Clan.

I must say, I'm always stoked, by the "locals" of San O. For many, they've had their spots for years, they have their routine, and they have their locations to park; yet they welcome the Harbour Owner Society, and make room for our occasional gathering there. From the warm welcome at 5 a.m. in line, to the proper policing of mega-rigs taking 10 spots parallel parking, to the Hawaiian Surf Club...a great class of people. Thanks!

Another great event with fantastic friends--all who enjoy riding the wonderfully crafted vessels that carry the Harbour name.