Friday, January 29, 2010

"Do I dare to surf this Beach?

A little poetry from Wavedancer...
Do I dare to surf this beach?
Do I dare to eat a peach?
A man’s grasp should exceed his reach
But waves aren’t gentle when they teach
But waves aren’t gentle when they teach.

Do I dare to surf this beach?
The outer break seems out of reach
Huge swells progressing each-to-each
Lips crack white thunder on the reef
Where one-celled life builds nail-edged teeth.

Do I dare to surf this beach?
Once more into the liquid breech
The waves’ power impedes all speech
With board attached to fragile leash
With life attached to fragile leash,

Do I dare to surf this break?
Muscles throb and shoulders ache,
Pull for a drop I might not make
Possibly a real mistake
Body broke beneath the wake

Will burning lungs finally exhaust?
Am I ready to face this cost?
For he who hesitates is lost
Around and down and turned and tossed
Around and down and turned and tossed

If the nose pearls my fate is earned
But then the rail carves a turn
And down the line the rider burns
Forgets all his worldly concerns.
This is the life for which I yearn.

Do I dare to surf this beach?
Do I dare to eat a peach?
A man’s grasp should exceed his reach
But waves aren’t gentle when they teach
But waves aren’t gentle when they teach.
By Wave Dancer

Nice work!

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